Thunder from the sea by Joan Hiatt Harlow is a bout a 13-year old orphan named Tom Cambell. When Enoch and Fiona Murray take him in to live with them on an island called Back o' the Moon in Newfoundland, Tom is happy as can be. One day, while fishing druing a storm, Tom rescues a newfoundland dog and names him Thunder. Then Fiona gets pregnant, and an earthquake comes. But the earthquake isn't the least of it, it causes the water to go out of the harbor, then come back in in a rush as a tidal wave. Tom's house is left standing, but alot of their neighbor's houses are swept away. Tom is worried that Fiona and Enoch won't be able to keep him, with a new baby on the way, and money stretched tight. Then something goes wrong with Fiona's baby when it's about to born, and Tom must help get Fiona across the melting harbor to the doctor in a snowstorm. But in the end, everything works out, and Tom is officially adopted by Enoch and Fiona, plus he has a new baby sister!
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